September 05-09 2022,

Anacapri, Capri, Italy 

Università di Napoli Federico II – Villa Orlandi Conference Center 

Via Finestrale 2 - 80071 Anacapri, Italy 


Registrations are now closed


The Course on Antenna Synthesis (with elements of GPU Computing) faces three topics corresponding to the two main aspects of Antenna Synthesis, namely external and internal synthesis, and to numerical and implementation issues on High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms of Synthesis Algorithms. Firstly, key points of the antenna Synthesis problem are given, providing a general, sound and unitary mathematical framework to the Synthesis, discussing the role of field properties, degrees of freedom, the trapping problem and ill-position. Then, having introduced the role of optimization in Antenna Synthesis, the general issues of local and global procedures is discussed as well as the numerical issues related to the need of dealing with complex electromagnetic structures. In the light of the above framework, canonical synthesis approaches are illustrated and specific topics in array Antenna Synthesis connected to the use of evolutionary algorithms and unconventional advanced systems are analyzed. Finally, the problem of internal synthesis is presented with attention to the design of complex beam-forming networks and to realization problems.

The Course hosts also Sessions on the numerical implementation of some Synthesis techniques on standard computing platforms as well as High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms as GPUs, in the CUDA language. The use of HPC, even on desktop computers, releases computing resources enabling to deal with the Synthesis of large and complex antennas. In particular, each student will lay his hands-on the implementations of the Synthesis algorithms, being each attendee provided with a laptop connected to a remote GPU cluster to allow an interactive learning.

Registration fee:

􀂅 University (or other no-profit organization): 440 €

􀂅 Other (e.g. Industry): 880 €

The registration fee covers the lunches for the 5 days of the Course, the Social Dinner on Wednesday (September, 7) and the coffee breaks.